
Venom: The Battle of Toxins vs Antibodies is an online game about ions, toxins, and antibodies inside cells for K-12 audiances.

Sabine Deviche's Contributions to Project Development

  • Development of concept and game functionality
  • Programming: JavaScript, CSS, HTML
  • Design and layout of pages and interface
  • Vector illustration
  • Icon design

More About Venom

This game explores how ion channels inside the cells allow muscles to function, and how toxins such as scorpion venom are able to block those channels causing paralysis. In this game, the player must "shoot" antivenom molecules at toxin molecules to keep them from binding to and blocking ion channels, thus protecting the muscle cells in the human body. 

Venom is part of a larger online lesson about proteins inside cells created for Arizona State University's Ask A Biologist. This activity is fully functional on mobile and tablet devices, and compliant with all modern W3 standards of web development.


Venom, main screen
Venom, main screen
Venom, two of the story pages providing background information
Venom, two of the story pages providing background information
Venom, game interface and pieces explained
Venom, game interface and pieces explained